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Multipoint Thermocouples


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What is Multi-Point Thermocouple?

➣ Multi-point thermocouples are used to measure more than one temperature point through a singleaccess point.The sensor has multiple temperatures input along the length of the sensor to calculatean accurate temperature profile.This sensor can be equipped with up to 60 points along the lengthwith a single penetration point. These sensors are mostly used in chemical and petroleum industriesfor temperature profiling ofreactors, crackers, and liquefied gas in tanks.

➣The design and dimensions of the multi-point thermocouples differ depending on the shape and sizeof the container, position of the sensors,service required,pressure, temperature and ambientenvironment of where the thermocouple has to be installed and where the output is required.

What are the features of Multi-pointthermocouple?

➣Multiple sensing points with only a singleaccessing point.

➣Effectively measures temperature profile forvarious applications.

➣The individual sensor can be replacedwithout affecting the whole.

➣Cost-efficient as compare to placingindividual sensors.

➣Customizable design available according todifferent temperature range and signalaccuracies.

➣All sensors are fully metal sheathed withmineral insulation.

➣Some designs are available with resistanceelements as the primary sensor to providemore accurate results.

Application Areas

➣Chemical and petrochemical industries.

➣Reactors and Distillation fractionators

➣Fuel depots,hydrocrackers and hydrotreaters

➣Fluid catalytic cracking unit

➣Crude oil distillation

➣Catalytic reforming process

Multi-Point Thermocouple Installation

Technical Specification


K, N,E,Pt100

No.of sensors

Depending on desing (Up to 60 points)

Hot junction


Sheath material

SS 316,SS 310,Inconel 600

Sheath diameter

12.6,10,8,6 etc.

Response Time

Less Than 10 sec.

Temperature Range

Depending on material

Process Connection

As per requirement

Sensor Design

Pyrotech Instruments provides endless type of design for multi-point thermocouples, dependingon the requirements and application of the thermocouples. To illustrate the basic idea of differenttypes of multi- point thermocouples,couples of design has been illustrated:

Freely Suspended Multi-Point thermocouple -PTC-401A

Flexible Suspended sensors provide a flexible design with greatercoverage for temperature measurement. The sensors are routedaround the circumference of the reactors and then inwards to therequired measuring point. The individual sensor can be routedaccording to the requirement of the applications.They can be coiled forshipment and can be supplied without an outer protection tube.

Multi-point thermowell with heat transfer block - PTC-401B

ln this design, the measuring sensor is integrated with heat transferblock to provide dual protection.The heat shrink block is welded withthe vessel body where the measuring sensor has to be attached.Thedesign allows for replacement and removal of the individual sensorduring operation if required.The sensor rests against the heat transferblock in order to provide shorter response time.

Spring loaded multi-point thermocouple - PTC-401C

The design is equipped with a bimetal spring-loaded device to anindividual measuring sensor to provide positive contact between themeasuring sensor and protection tube.The bimetallic spring is installedinto the protection tube in the unloaded position, and the connection isachieved when the heat is applied during the process.

Multi-point thermocouple with a guiding tube-PTC-401D

Guide tubes are provided for each sensor so that accurate positing ofthe sensor can be ensured. This design allows the thermocouple to bereplaced without the need to perform any re-welding on the processtube.The design allows the welded part to be attached to the protectiontube in the absence of the sensor. These guide tubes can be spring-loaded to make sure the sensor is in contact with the inner wall.

Multi-point thermocouple with Radial arrangement - PTC-401E

The design allows individual sensors to arrange in radial pattern to fitany cylindrical chamfer across the inner surface. The design allowsrouting of the radial elements to have the lowest possible influence onthe function of the catalyst.Shorter response time can be achievedwhich leads to fast information delivery about the change in theprocess.

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